Are you stuck in a weight loss rut, feeling like you’re eating next to nothing but not seeing results on the scale? This is a common frustration; you are not alone.

In pursuing shedding those extra pounds, some folks mistakenly bfelieve that cutting calories to the bone is the way to go. But guess what? This “eat next to nothing” strategy might be the weight loss equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. It’s time to talk about why eating too few calories can sabotage your weight loss goals.

The “Starvation Mode” Paradox

So, you’ve decided to cut calories to the bare minimum. That makes sense, but it rarely works. When you eat fewer calories than your body needs, it’s like sending your metabolism into panic mode. If your body doesn’t get enough calories to keep you alive, it adapts and compensates to conserve energy. It’s like your iPhone going into ‘Low Power Mode.’ 

Your clever body’s response to this perceived famine (low power mode)? It slows down your metabolism, burning fewer calories to conserve energy. Picture your metabolism as a cozy fireplace; it needs fuel (food) to burn brightly. When you reduce your calories too much, it’s like tossing in a twig instead of a log on the fire – the flames dim. In short, a low-calorie diet makes your weight loss goals about as effective as trying to build a roaring fire with only twigs.

Each person has different caloric needs for fat loss (cutting phase), maintaining weight, or building muscle. To see how many calories you should eat, visit an online calorie calculator like to determine your caloric needs based on your goals.

Metabolism: The Engine That Drives Weight Loss

Before we delve deeper, let’s talk metabolism. It’s like the engine that powers your weight loss journey. Your body relies on energy from food to fuel this engine and burn those pesky calories. Now, here’s the catch: if you don’t provide enough fuel (calories), your engine starts running on fumes.

Studies reveal that low-calorie diets can diminish your metabolism by up to 23%. Even scarier, this sluggish metabolism can persist long after you’ve ditched the diet, causing you to regain those hard-lost pounds faster than you can say metabolism.

Crash dieting often causes muscle loss, especially if you skimp on protein and exercise. To avoid this metabolic mayhem, never consume fewer calories than needed to sustain your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Want to kick things up a notch? Increase your protein intake and add resistance/strength exercises to your fitness routine – your metabolism will thank you, and for that extra layer of support and motivation, consider enlisting the expertise of a weight loss accountability coach; your path to success will get even brighter.

Know Your Numbers. Track Your Food.

Enough with the dieting rollercoaster, right? One of the best ways to stay on track is by keeping a food diary. Studies show that people who track their food intake lose more weight, so grab that pen and paper (or a fancy app) and start jotting it all down. Tracking your calories is the only way to know how much you are eating and what adjustments need to be made to reach your goals. 

Don’t fall victim to “calorie amnesia” – note every morsel you consume. And hey, it’s not just about the amount; it’s the type of food that counts. Minimize ultra-processed foods and embrace a balanced diet of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins. Oh, and don’t forget to account for those sneaky calories lurking in beverages (alcohol included), cooking oils, sauces, and dressings!

Remember, the road to weight loss doesn’t have to be filled with hunger pangs and nutrient shortages. Be kind to your body, fuel it right, and let your metabolism do its thing. Your diet accountability coach would approve!