Quick. What’s the first thing that popped into your head?
-To lose weight/fat
-To be told what to eat
-To get a personalized macronutrient/calorie goal
Let’s go a little deeper, shall we? At Beyond the Box Nutrition, we provide more than macros!
Here are two examples of how clients we helped in ways other than the number on the scale. Progress with nutrition is more than just reaching a goal weight. In fact, I would say that the number on the scale should be the least important measure of success.
One of our female clients came to us wanting to lose weight initially (which she did). After a few months of working with us, the client’s focus became eating healthier foods that would support her fertility. Her goal was to get pregnant and become a mom. Sleep and getting 10,000 steps in during the day were two key strategies to improve her health. Stress management techniques and self-care became very important as well because she travels every week for work so the tendency to work long hours was very common.
She focused on food quality more than counting her macros.

Morning hikes before work were a great way to start her day since she was on assignment in Southern California near the Pacific Ocean. The hikes allowed her to gain clarity and peace of mind before her work day started. Working right next door to a Whole Foods made for some really good food choices. She focused on food quality more than counting her macros. And guess what? She’s pregnant with a baby boy.
A male client had been following the Ketogenic diet protocol while doing CrossFit 5 days a week. He was frustrated with himself because he was having trouble sticking with the Keto dietary protocol. He started getting advice from friends and co-workers on how he should eat.
Everyone had different advice for him which confused him even more. Out of frustration, he contacted us for some help. He admitted that he hasn’t had a good relationship with food and binges when his diet is too restrictive (for him Keto was too restrictive).
He was frustrated with himself because he was having trouble sticking with the Keto dietary protocol.
We’re slowly adding carbs back into his diet to ensure that he has the energy he needs for intensive CrossFit workouts. Working on what his triggers are and why he is using food as a coping mechanism is an important part of our work together. Taking a walk or going for a bike ride with his girlfriend right when he gets home from work is going to be his new habit. This is a way to decompress after work instead of being stempted to watch Netflix and snack right when he got home after a stressful day at work.
Nutrition coaching is about looking at the whole person, not just the food they eat. We help our clients reach their goals by going beyond macros or telling them how much food to eat.
If we work on what the underlying reason for needing help is, the client is likely to end up back in the same situation. Long-term, sustainable solutions are what helps our clients break free from restrictive diets and use food as a way to enhance their lives!